Lands of Silence, a journey into ancient Lucania, September/October 2024.

Join BACAS for a gathering where endless woods, wolf paths and mythological seas, are part of an unknown and mysterious land, silent guardian of the most remote civilizations of the Mediterranean. 
From Paestum to Elea-Velia, the seat of the pre-Socratic school of Parmenides, to the Roman Volcei and the early Christian baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte, remembered in a letter by Cassiodorus…up to the prehistoric caves, the rock sanctuaries dedicated to theMichaelic cult, the Federician castles and to countless medieval villages nestled in breath-taking valleys. 
This is Ancient Lucania: a place inhabited by shy but hospitable people, a landscape of thousand-year-old ruins, an ancestral atmosphere inspired by the vision of its sacred mountains. Lucania is the story of a people with an ancient soul that takes shape in the art of the churches, in traditional knowledge, in the food that is the fruit of man's toil and the generosity of Nature…in a lifestyle that is still balanced harmoniously by the lasting relationship between man and Creation.

— Curated by Rosanna Alaggio, professor of Scienze Umanistiche, Sociali e della Formazione, Università degli Studi del Molise