…for never yet has any man rowed past this isle in his black ship until the sweet voice from our lips.
Nay, he has joy of it, and goes his way a wiser man.
— the Sirens along the Cilento Coast in Homer's The Odissey
BACAS is a not-for-profit project - our curated Gatherings are a form of fundraising.
The Gatherings can run concurrently or separate from our artists-in-residence programming. Each of our Gatherings is curated by one of our artists/scholars from an impressive group of internationally-known thinkers and makers. For ten days, our arts and culture-curious travelers enjoy a rich and unusual glimpse into a region of Southern Italy often unseen by tourists — through the eyes and assignments of their curator.
From immersive, meditative excursions into the Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano, e Alburni, and the surrounding region, to evenings of inspiring presentations and performances by our artists/scholars-in-residence, BACAS Gatherings are memorable, history-rich, life-changing experiences for our guests.
Lands of Silence, a journey into ancient Lucania
September/October 2024
Coming Soon
Spring/Summer 2025
Coming Soon
Summer/Fall 2025
Curating Gatherings
Spring 2023
Silence, Ritual & Disclipline
Summer 2018